Mountain Attack
Saalbach Logo
16. JAN 2026
358 Days
09 Hours
02 Minutes
02 Seconds

Attack Arena - neW FINISH LINE

Schattberg XPress - valley station

Schattberg-Parkplatz Attack-Arena   

Probably the most important innovation for the 23rd edition of the Hervis Mountain Attack concerns the new finish area. While the start takes place on the village square as usual, the finish area has been moved to the Schattberg X-Press area, which will thus become the “Attack Arena”. Accordingly, the finish line no longer leads via Dorfstraße, but via the ski path, which was newly built in summer 2020, directly to the parking lot of the Schattberg X-Press (see graphic). Instead of going under the valley station in the last section of the Bernkogel run, you have to turn right about 60 meters above the valley station and drive over a few turns straight to the finish.

The new route is clearly marked by the Saalbacher Bergbahnen with signals and markings. In the lower area, a short band of snow is laid across the street and the finish area is also generously covered with snow. However, we ask the participants to be careful and to adjust their speed individually and advise against risky overtaking maneuvers in the last few meters.

For some top athletes, there is also the question of the time difference compared to the old finish. We asked ourselves this question too. However, we have come to the consens that the time difference will be extremely limited – and if it does, it will be a few seconds faster! Arrived in the new Attack Arena, hundreds of fans and spectators await the finishers as well as the great feeling of having successfully conquered the route.


Attack-ARENA Grafik

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