Mountain Attack
Saalbach Logo
17. JAN 2025
87 Days
06 Hours
58 Minutes
47 Seconds


Route Marathon

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Route Tour

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Schattberg Race

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NEW: Route

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The key to success in endurance competitive sport is optimal preparation.

We have created a general training plan for you to prepare for the Mountain Attack as a download - this is expressly intended to serve as an orientation or marching plan. Good basic fitness is a prerequisite! IN NO CASE can this replace an individual training plan - based on performance diagnostics including a lactate level test! Individual training plans on request at: mk-sports(xmsAt)gmx(xmsDot)at (Maximilian Kurz, MSc.)

Also important and interesting is the current state of scientific knowledge on endurance competitive sport - explained by Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Thomas Stöggl for you as a PDF download!


Citius, altius, fortius, as it is called in Latin, or in German: faster, higher, further. A designation that was linked to the Olympic Games through Pierre de Coubertin and which can now be observed every day, especially in today's competitive society. At a time of Corona when no competitions could take place, it became clear how much athletes strive to compete with like-minded people. Quite a few have climbed mountains in their own projects and tried to set new records on different routes. With providers such as Strava, Runtastic or Endomondo, GPS training units recorded with sports watches and fitness trackers can be synchronized in real time and uploaded to the cloud. Ranking lists are then automatically created in the community and the fastest is chosen as King or Queen of the Mountain (KOM, QOM) - at least until someone faster comes!

What sounded like science fiction a few years ago is becoming reality for the masses. In the future, sports glasses will not only look stylish and have a protective function for the eyes, but will also function as a digital companion for every training session. The French eyewear manufacturer Julbo has already taken a big step in the direction of digitization with the EVAD-1 model. Data on duration, pace, heart rate, altitude, etc. can be displayed over a small area in the field of view, which makes it unnecessary to regularly look at the watch.

Small gadgets also play a major role when it comes to regeneration. Watches and fitness trackers can use a sensor that measures the heart rate on the wrist to collect data on sleep quality, breathing rate, HRV (heart rate variability) and blood oxygen saturation and even carry out ECG measurements. The end user quickly learns whether his values ​​are good or deviate from the norm. Those who meticulously and regularly record their values ​​can even recognize any impending colds at an early stage and possibly take countermeasures. Together with the data from the training units, these values ​​form a perfect basis for trainers and sports scientists to adapt the training intensity and volume perfectly to the current circumstances. In this way, overtraining can be avoided and a targeted long-term increase in performance can be worked towards.

If you want to prepare specifically for the Mountain Attack, you will find a framework training plan in the red Box ubove!

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