Saalbach Logo
17. JAN 2025
131 Days
05 Hours
23 Minutes
20 Seconds

Thank you to all participants - 

SEE YOU IN SAALBACH - 17. 1. 2025

Bald ist es soweit - die Anmeldung zur 27. Mountain Attack - wird exakt am 15. Oktober um 10.00 Uhr geöffnet!
Das NEUE Magazin ist in Produktion und wird bald in eurem Briefkasten eintreffen! Ihr dürft Euch auf viele Neuigkeiten freuen !!!

The time has come - the registration for the 27th Mountain Attack - will open exactly on October 15th at 10am!
The NEW Magazine is in production and will be in your mailbox soon! You can look forward to lots of news!!! 

È giunta l'ora - le iscrizioni al 27° Mountain Attack - apriranno esattamente il 15 ottobre alle ore 10! Il NUOVO Magazine è in produzione e sarà presto nella tua casella di posta! Ti aspettano tante novità!!!

A new Chapter Mountain Attack

Organisator Roland KurzDear Mountain Attack-friends!

With great joy, with humility and also with a good portion of pride, we, the Mountain Attack Team, look back on a successful anniversary edition of the Hervis Mountain Attack. It was – after a very difficult time for all – again as usual, as always! The stimulating conversations of the participants at the registration as well as in the participants lounge, the tension before the race, the bonding of athletes and spectators on the mountains, the emotions during the race and the atmosphere at the finish, at the award ceremony and at the Attack Clubbing were back and are formative for our Mountain Attack. Simply as it always was, challenging, unique, cool and unreservedly awesome!

For the 26th edition of the Attack, we have added a new category to the programme for the first time – in addition to Marathon, Tour, Schattberg Race, Junior Sprint and the Salzburg Regional Championships – with a RELAY COMPETITION. Three participants, whether men, women or mixed, are to complete the supreme discipline, the marathon, together as a team. This new competition is definitely a new challenge for company teams and ambitious touring enthusiasts. Each participant will have to tackle approx. 1,000 metres of altitude difference. The race chip, attached to a Velcro strap, will be handed over in the valley in Hinterglemm (CP2) and in the high alpine pasture (CP4) at the marked transition zones. With our Time2Win app, the relay colleagues can follow their respective active athlete live and thus prepare for the transition in good time. The arrival and parking logistics with private cars are described in detail on page 25.

I would also like to point out the registration deadline once again. This is, as usual, on October 15 (this time a Sunday) at 10:00 am. This year we offer for the first time a staggered registration fee. Because even for us event organizers, unfortunately, the inflation does not stop. Our costs, as well as the costs in other sectors, have exploded enormously in recent months. The ladies and gentlemen responsible for this in Austria and Europe should not always just talk, promise and analyze, but finally start to act across party lines and implement sensible measures, and there are enough of them. Also we organizers have to be more than flexible and creative for years, otherwise many things would not take place anymore. In order not to have to increase the entry fees for the Attack across the board, there is now a graduated schedule.         

Those who register earlier have fixed their sportive goal in time, can adjust their training and nutrition to it and additionally have a financial advantage. (Details can be found in the conditions of participation)

I look forward to seeing you all again on Friday, January 19 in Saalbach, at the 26th Hervis Mountain Attack, and wish you an injury-free preparation, a lot of fun during training and already now all the best for the race! 

With sporty greetings, 

Roland Kurz

EDITORIAL - LR Martin Zauner
Dear friends of the mountains!

It gives me extraordinary pleasure to see that this unique event is already taking place for the 26th time. Over the years, ski touring has experienced an impressive growth in participants, thanks in no small part to such great events as the Mountain Attack. It is truly impressive to see how the organising team is able to attract mountain sports enthusiasts from all over the world to Saalbach-Hinterglemm year after year. 

Once again this season, numerous athletes will have to test their own limits and possibly even grow beyond them in order to master the demanding ascents of the Glemmtal. At this point I would like to thank Roland Kurz and his event team for hosting this race, wish all participants that their sporting goals may be fulfilled and I am already excited to see who will be able to bear the title Mountain Man 2024!

Hail to the mountain !
Mag. (FH) Martin Zauner, M.A.
Provincial Sports Councillor


Ergebnisse / Results / Risultati




Hard, harder,
Hervis Mountain Attack

(Press article of the Salzburger Nachrichten 2020)

Roland Kurz from the Salzburg event agency NMC launched the Mountain Attack 22 years ago. In 1999, the organisers as well as the participants were still called „weirdos“ who ran up a mountain at race pace to then race it down again at high speed using extremely light material. In the meantime, ski mountaineering has firmly been established in our society and is a fixed part of the sports scene. The local sports retailers benefit from the sales generated in this area.

The boom remains unchanged, more and more people discover ski mountaineering, whether for fun, as a hobby- or as competitive mountaineering. All facets are represented, all milieus and income levels are part of this sport; and also tourism is rethinking its position as the target group is constantly growing. The Mountain Attack alone provides for just under 25,000 additional overnight stays in the Glemmtal, thus creating important economic impetus.

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